Wednesday, September 23, 2009

DeStijl Movement Research

 The De Stijl art movement was founded by the painter and architect Theo van Doesburg in 0 1917. It introduced a new type of style in modern art and architecture. This movement used the artistic talent of the artists by designing homes, buildings, and furniture.

Theo van doesburg
Theo van doesburg founded the DeStijl art movement. His paintings show strict use of geometric line and primary colours.

Piet Mondrain
Piet Mondrain was an important contributor to the DeStijl art movement. He carried abstraction to its furthest limits. After studying cubism Monderains work became increasingly non-representational.

EI Lissitzkey
EI Lissitzkey was a Russian artist he was one of the most important figures in Avant Garde. His work was greatly influenced by the bauhaus and DeStijl movements.

Piet Zwart
Piet Zwart is a pioneer of modern typography. He does not follow tradtional typography rules, but used the basic principles of constructivism and DeStijl in his commercial work.

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