Monday, September 28, 2009

Homes of the Future Synopsis

In the future i believe everything will eventually get so polluted, that we will have to live in bubble houses just so we can breathe properly. Our bubble houses will be pumped with artificial oxygen that was discovered by scientists in the year 2015. Outside these bubble houses, things will look eroded and the air will be polluted with thick smog, as a consequence to the carbon emissions being produced by todays society. The new homes we will have to live in will be modern and made to the highest quality and standard because we will not be supposed to leave the homes. The homes were part of a collaborative project from graphic designers to architects. The homes will be fittest with the latest in technology and entertainment systems such as the body simulator 4000 and the new virtual roller coster.
Outside the main home will be platforms made to re=create the feeling of being outside, the protective glass shields will protect tenants from the old polluted air. Plants will also be able to grow, and it is also possible to keep animals in these domes also. As this home is designed to be lived in 24/7 scientists came up with a feature that lets the tennant control the temperature and weather, from humid summer days to snowing winter wonderlands. 
The shell that makes up the bubble is made out of re-inforced steel, the outer bubble shells are made from a newly discovered type of glass names after the creator, Hamish.

Home of the Future Research

If we carry on living the way we do the world will be destroyed in the next few decades. Greenhouse gasses, distroying the ozone layer. if we make  a difference now we can reduce this and reduce climate change.
if this happens
homes of the future should definately become envirommentally freindly.

Climate change organisation, showing what can happen to the world if damage to the ozone layer keeps happening

Astrology, Zodiac. Predicting the future with astrology

Philosophy of Space Future

Solar Power and the Future!

DeStijl Movement Final (the colours have inverted again..?)


DeStijl Movement Process

DeStijl Movement Drawings

DeStijl Movement insperation

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

DeStijl Movement Research

 The De Stijl art movement was founded by the painter and architect Theo van Doesburg in 0 1917. It introduced a new type of style in modern art and architecture. This movement used the artistic talent of the artists by designing homes, buildings, and furniture.

Theo van doesburg
Theo van doesburg founded the DeStijl art movement. His paintings show strict use of geometric line and primary colours.

Piet Mondrain
Piet Mondrain was an important contributor to the DeStijl art movement. He carried abstraction to its furthest limits. After studying cubism Monderains work became increasingly non-representational.

EI Lissitzkey
EI Lissitzkey was a Russian artist he was one of the most important figures in Avant Garde. His work was greatly influenced by the bauhaus and DeStijl movements.

Piet Zwart
Piet Zwart is a pioneer of modern typography. He does not follow tradtional typography rules, but used the basic principles of constructivism and DeStijl in his commercial work.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Psychedelia Sketches

Psychedelia Insperation

Psychedelia Movement Recearch

Psychedelic art is any kind of visual artwork inspired by psycadelic experiences induced by drugs such as LSD. The word "psychedelic"means "mind manifesting".

Mati Klarwein
German Artist, he created the famous painting 'Annunciation' when later became one of Sanatana's album covers.

Rick Griffin
American psychedelic poster artist, surfer and cartoonist. He created his own unique style known as the 'surf 'style.

Bonnie MacLean
Bonnie MacLean was among the driving forces behind the rise of the San Francisco rock music scene of the late 1960s

Wes Wilson
Wes Wilson was one of the leading designers in psycadelic posters, in particular, he is known for inventing and popularizing a "psychedelic" font which made the letters look like they were moving or melting.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

International Style Poster Final

International Style Poster Process

International Style Poster Sketches

International Style Inspiration

International Style Research

The International style is associated with clean, readable graphic design. Constructivism was a movement associated with International Style in this movement artists focused on trying to link art with concrete ideas and life.
During this time the term New Typography was created it represents  the changes in typography at this time which included bold rules, asymmetry, sans serif lettering, orthogonal compositions, negative space and CLARITY.
This style used mathematical grids to provide structure, Sans Serif typefaces (mainly Helvetica) and  black and white photography in place of hand drawn illustrations. 
The overall effect was simple, tightly structured and clear designs.
Designers in this era include Paul Rand, Joseph Muller Brockman, Armin Hoffman, Emil Ruder and Jan Tschichold.  

Paul Rand
Paul Rand's widely known contributions to designs are his corporate identities, many of which are still in use.
One of Paul Rands most well known works was his IBM logo created in 1956.

Armin Hoffman               
Armin Hoffman is a Swiss graphic designer, his design style is known as thr Swiss Style. He is well known for his poster designs, which emphasize colour and fon
I get a lot of inspiration from his work and will base my International Style design on his work. 

Joseph Muller Brockman
Joseph Muller Brockman was also a swiss designer. He was well known for incorporating black and white photos into his designs and his bold use of colour.

Jan Tschichold
Jan Tschichold was a german graphic designer. His designs were influenced by constructivism. He promoted Sans Serif fonts in his designs and assymetrical layouts.